
Business Illustration.

the power of Visual Strategy

Welcome to a world where ideas find their visual voice!

Visual strategy isn’t just about creating images; it’s about enhancing communication, solving intricate problems, and fostering innovation. My strategic illustrations breathe life into concepts, offering clarity, engagement, and a refreshing perspective.


My approach blends creativity with strategy.

I translate your ideas into visually compelling stories. Together, we will grasp your vision and weave it into illustrations that captivate and convey your essence.

Is an effective way to share your message!

Whether you need to educate, promote, explain a new project or service, or perhaps motivate customers/employees, I can help you communicate that with a drawing.

You’ll walk with me through the process of breaking down content, creating sketches, and working on a visual style that perfectly fits your brand and culture until you have a perfectly polished illustration.

I can help you:

  • explain, 
  • clarify 
  • and give an attractive form 

to any of your projects and ideas!


It’ a great solution for

“thank you” present for your team member

as an avatar on www, social media, or company publication – instead of profile photo

for company publication


illustration for business portrait
eko product illustration

Product/service illustration

Any process, manual, procedures are more readable and memorable when they are visual. 
Maybe you don’t like to put furniture from Ikea together, but their instruction are pretty amazing! Don’t you agree? Try to put together something from different brand 😉

Book Illustrations

I supported many authors in various illustration

– as visual notes to visual summary content from chapter

– simple, small icons, which amplify some pat of the text and call to action reader

– infographic to system, manual, recipe

– portlets or avatar of author to highlight the quotes

– funny comic story to get a smile from the reader

– just hand drawn illustration, which break the content, spark imagination, inspire and help to remember better – because our brain love pictures!

Process/manual illustration

Any process, manual, procedures are more readable and memorable when they are visual. 

Maybe you don’t like to put furniture from Ikea together, but their instruction are pretty amazing! Don’t you agree? Try to put together something from a different brand!

In my career I draw pretty various and amazing project for my clients.
Here you can see recruitment poster to promote employer branding. I also drew instructions on how to clean and maintain the vacuum cleaner from Electrolux 🙂

Social media content

Of curse you can use parts of visual notes from webinar or event… 
But you can also have some extra graphic to invite people over or visual agenda for a meeting, conference or workshop/webinar. 

You can find more examples on my Behance profile


Boost your message with visual language!

People like working with me

Some of the clients who I have been proud to work with