About Me.

Hello There!

Solving Problems is my Super Power

I'm Anna...

and I’m here to help you visualize and clarify your message with visual language

and I'm here to help you visualize and clarify

Thank you for dropping in!

Let me introduce myself.

Hi, I’m Anna Wolska-de Keijzer

– Go Visual Concept and rysAnka founder

Visual thinking expert. For more than 5 years I help businesses and content creator amplify brand message through visual thinking and strategy illustration so that she brings stories to life and make them more inspiring, engaging, and memorable.

I love creative challenges and learning new things, I am an octogenarian with diverse experience and knowledge – trained as an architect and designer, with a small episode as the owner of a club café.

Privately, I have three children and am married to a Dutchman, living in France.


Purpose &

My Vision.

I created Go Visual to inspire people to think, work and communicate with more creativity, clarity and joy.

I believe in the power of simple drawing which improves communication, explains complex processes and helps find effective solutions to complex problems.

My vision is a world where the people in business feel strong and powerful. This means they communicate fast and effectively, so they can accelerate their outcomes. In problems they see possibilities, not obstacles. They are open to innovation which unlocks their full of potential.


Your How - My Why

My Mission

is to help businesses visualize and clarify message and translate ideas into visual solutions through







to transfer information better and faster, so they can connect with audience like never before and achieve their boldest business goals

Who Am I?

My Story

I love to draw and create! But it wasn’t always my main occupation … Like the hero from Campbell’s stories, I wandered along various paths of life struggling with various obstacles both in life and business. But they did make me stronger every time and I learned to turn my biggest challenges into my greatest opportunities. See how…

I have been scribbling for as long as I can remember – anything and everywhere, including the kitchen floor, living room furniture and walls in my parents’ bedroom. Logic with a hint of artistry has always been my strength. That is why I chose to study architecture and building construction. Architecture allowed me to “legally” create and give vent to my creative element. My left hemisphere raged on the mechanics of the building.

Immediately after graduation, I became a mom giving birth to three children – at equal intervals of two and a half years. “I was brilliant” at orgisnizing the space-time between projects, my husband’s company, house chores and being the best mom in the world. Thanks to this, the “mega-pot” patch stuck to me.

After some time I bought a failing cafe for families which I turned into a place where I could be my creative self, while looking after my children. I organized, managed, baked fancy cakes and constantly came up with something new to improve and innovate the place. I continues learning and developing new skills – mainly through online courses, which became a great source of knowledge for a busy yet ambitious mom of three. I started seeing more and more possibilities the online space offers and translating it into my business.

Three children, a husband on travels, a cafe and online business at some point began to drain my energy. Don’t get me wrong – I love new challenges and projects, but even the most creative work can stop being a source of joy if it’s too much…

A turning point came with my participation in the Agata Jakuszko’s Sketchnoting Academy which allowed me to get to the point of every message through powerful visual content. I started feeling flow again. My passion was revived by the idea of visual thinking combined helping others!

This is how RysAnka, my first sketchnoting brand, was created – out of a great passion and my heart’s desire.

I started using my knowledge and business and marketing experience to help women reach a higher level in business through effective communication. In addition to drawing, I began implementing various ideas of the most effective use of my graphics to reach more audience.

In the past 12 years, I have completed a wide range of business-marketing-development courses because I just cannot stop learning! And I’m not going to, because all this knowledge of trends, methods and techniques brings additional value to my clients and their businesses.

In my free time, if I don’t draw, I drink fresh-light espresso, run and maybe build a fortress (or other wonders) from cardboard boxes with my children


How I Work

That is, everything you want to know before you start working with me 🙂


Boost your message with visual language!


My Tools.

My exprexiences are diverse
and my tollbox is ever-expanding.

Digital Drawing.​

It gives a new quality of drawing and more possibilities than traditional image. It’s easier to share and scale. It’s more flexible. I draw on iPad. I’m a Procreate and Adobe environment expert.

Visual Thinking.

Visual techniques I use strenghten communication on so many levels. They clarify and simplify complex messages and processes and unlock the creative power.

Business Experience.

I understand the challenges of business today as I’ve been a business owner all my professional life – first as a freelance architect, then as a multi-service cafe owner and more recently – as a graphic facilitator and business illustrator.
Under the RysAnka brand, I’ve helped many companies and organizations, across different industries, to efficiently deliver their message to their audience.

Online Experience.

Online space is the environment I thrive in. I have been working remotely for 12 years. I love new advances of technology and creative solutions that increase productivity and efficiency in projects. I’m very well-prepared to advise my clients on the right tools to improve their work and help them achieve their business goals faster.


My Visual Solution
for Your Business.


Graphic Recording

I exctract the esence of your message and clarify complex ideas to inspire and engage your audience and make it memorable!


Business Illustration

I can draw anything you need in different styles to adapt to your branding and help you support your business communication


Visual Thinking

Use visual thinking to solve the problems, generate ideas, and demonstrate concepts to your team and clients.

People like working with me

Let's work together

My Clients

who I have been proud to work with