
How To Hire Graphic Recorer for you event

Download Free Checklist and see all topics that you need to consider before you hire Graphic Recorder on your event. It save you time, therefore money 🙂

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What you'll get:

Graphic recording is not only service but also product!

Take the most value from visual notes, which you will get!
There are a lot of things to consider depending on the type of event you are planning.
I divided them into 3 phases


You can consider extra graphics to promote the event and add a unique tone of conversation.


Depend from the place and technology there are some choices how you can use visual notes to evoke angagement


You will get ready marketing graphic which you can use in different way, but it's good to know what kind of format will be the best for you.


Hi, I'm Anna

Go Visual Concept founder

Visual thinking expert. For more than 5 years I help businesses and content creator amplify brand message through visual thinking and strategy illustration so that she brings stories to life and make them more inspiring, engaging, and memorable.

I love creative challenges and learning new things, I am an octogenarian with diverse experience and knowledge – trained as an architect and designer, with a small episode as the owner of a club café.

Privately, I have three children and am married to a Dutchman, living in France.


Squeeze graphic recording to the last drop... ink

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