Download Free list full of inspiration how you can incorporate visual thinking in you business, work and life.
Discover 100 creative ideas to supercharge your productivity, ignite your imagination, and achieve your goals.
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You will have a PDF with comprehensive list of 100 creative concepts deeply connected to the field of visual thinking.
These ideas can serve as a valuable resource for professionals looking to infuse visual thinking into their work, problem-solving, education, personal growth, data analysis, innovation, and business communication.
Enjoy exploring and applying these visual concepts in your field!
Visual thinking expert. For more than 6 years I help businesses and content creator amplify brand message through visual thinking and strategy illustration so that she brings stories to life and make them more inspiring, engaging, and memorable.
I love creative challenges and learning new things, I am an octogenarian with diverse experience and knowledge – trained as an architect and designer, with a small episode as the owner of a club café.
Privately, I have three children and am married to a Dutchman, living in France.6
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